a percentage is a way of expressing a number as a fraction of a number (per cent meaning "per hundred"). It is often denoted using the percent sign, "%". For example, 45% (read as "forty-five percent") is equal to 45 / 100, or 0.45.
Percentages are used to express how large one quantity is, relative to another quantity. The first quantity usually represents a part of, or a change in, the second quantity, which should be greater than zero.
This percentages help with give you an example as well.
How many liters of water must be added to 20 liters of a 24% acid solution to make it 8 % acid.
20 L ,24% acid
needs to be 8% acid
So 24% of 20 is 4.8
Let x be the number of liters of water
(20+x)(8%)=4.8 liters
(20+x)(0.08)=4.8 liters
x=40 liters of water is the Answer.
For more help on this ,Please reply me.
a percentage is a way of expressing a number as a fraction of a number (per cent meaning "per hundred"). It is often denoted using the percent sign, "%". For example, 45% (read as "forty-five percent") is equal to 45 / 100, or 0.45.
Percentages are used to express how large one quantity is, relative to another quantity. The first quantity usually represents a part of, or a change in, the second quantity, which should be greater than zero.
This percentages help with give you an example as well.
How many liters of water must be added to 20 liters of a 24% acid solution to make it 8 % acid.
20 L ,24% acid
needs to be 8% acid
So 24% of 20 is 4.8
Let x be the number of liters of water
(20+x)(8%)=4.8 liters
(20+x)(0.08)=4.8 liters
x=40 liters of water is the Answer.
For more help on this ,Please reply me.
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