Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Mean formula

Mean Formula
In general sample mean (A.M) or average of n observations x1, x2, …, xn is defined to be the number x such that the sum of the deviations of the observations from x is 0. That is, the arithmetic mean x of n observations x1, x2, …, xn is given by the equation
(x1 x) +(x2 x) + ... +(xn x) = 0
Hence sample mean formula = x1+x2+x3+…….xn / n
sample mean formula= sum of elements / number of elements
Would you like to learn about probability mass function

Sample Mean Example

Following steps used to calculate the sample mean value
Step1: find the sum of the numbers
Step2: Calculate the total numbers
Step3: Using the formula finding the mean
Need help with Introduction to Mixed numbers

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